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A Guide to North Carolina Codes for Metal Roof Inspections

A Guide to North Carolina Codes for Metal Roof Inspections

A Guide to North Carolina Codes for Metal Roof Inspections


Are you a homeowner or a building owner in North Carolina and planning to have a metal roof installed? Or are you a contractor about to undertake a metal roof installation project? In either case, you must comply with the North Carolina codes for metal roof inspections.

It is required by state law and ensures the safety, durability, and functionality of your building’s roofing system. In this guide, we will walk you through the North Carolina codes for metal roof inspections and provide some tips on passing them.

North Carolina Building Codes (NCBC) for Metal Roofing Inspections

The North Carolina Building Codes (NCBC), issued by the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI), govern the construction, alteration, and maintenance of buildings in the state. The NCBC adopts the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC), which contain standards and guidelines for metal roof installation and inspection.

Specifically, NCBC’s Chapter 15 – Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures establishes requirements for roof systems, such as wind resistance, slope, underlayment, flashing, ventilation, and more. You should consult these codes and follow them when installing or repairing a metal roof.

North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) Inspection Requirements

Apart from the NCBC, the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) has its requirements for roofing inspections. The NCDOI requires that all new and existing buildings with metal roofs be inspected by a certified inspector licensed by the state. The inspection occurs after the installation or repair of the roof and ensures compliance with NCBC’s construction, durability, and safety standards.

The inspector examines various aspects of the roof, such as the materials, fasteners, seams, penetration, drainage, and others. The inspector must fill out the Roofing Inspection Report (RIR) form and submit it to the NCDOI for review.

Tips for Passing North Carolina Metal Roof Inspections

To pass the metal roof inspection in North Carolina, you should consider the following tips:

  • Hire certified and licensed metal roofing contractors in NCwho are familiar with the code requirements and follow them diligently.
  • Use high-quality metal roofing materials that meet NCBC’s standards and have a good reputation in the industry.
  • Ensure proper installation techniques and use approved fasteners, adhesives, and sealants to prevent leaks, corrosion, or loosening.
  • Provide sufficient ventilation and insulation to prevent condensation, moisture damage, or energy loss.
  • Schedule the inspection with an NCDOI licensed inspector and communicate any concerns or questions you may have beforehand.

Benefits of Complying With North Carolina Metal Roof Inspection Codes

Complying with North Carolina’s codes for metal roof inspections offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Ensuring the safety and durability of your building’s structure and inhabitants.
  • Avoiding costly and time-consuming repairs or replacements due to code violations or deficiencies.
  • Enhancing your property’s resale value and marketability by having a documented compliance record.
  • Reducing the energy bill and environmental impact due to a well-insulated and ventilated roof system.
  • Ensuring that your insurance policy covers any damages or losses related to metal roofing issues.

North Carolina codes for metal roof inspections

Wrapping Up

North Carolina sets strict codes and regulations for metal roof inspections to guarantee the quality and safety of buildings in the state. Compliance with the North Carolina codes for metal roof requires thorough knowledge and application of building codes, roofing materials, installation techniques, and inspection procedures. Following these guidelines and tips, you can pass the inspection and reap the benefits of a sturdy, energy-efficient, long-lasting metal roofing system.

If you’re looking for metal roofing services, please get in touch with Gator Metal Roofing, the best home roofers in North Carolina.

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